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Rapid relief and permanent results

I can help you break free from the old habits or beliefs that are holding you back or causing destructive behaviour. Hypnotherapy is an effective treatment for any issue driven by the mind and Rapid Transformational Therapy will provide lasting results, usually after just one to three sessions. I have been personally trained by Marisa Peer who developed Rapid Transformational Therapy as a result of over 30 years’ experience as a therapist.

I can also work with you to achieve your goals and desires – you don’t have to compromise. By dealing with the past, you can be the person you always wanted to be, achieve everything you always wanted to achieve, have everything you always wanted to have. For more immediate problems – exam stress, grief, nerves – we don’t even have to go back to your past. I will help you deal with your worries and enable you to cope during stressful times.

Do you accept being treated badly at work or in your relationships? Have you failed to reach your potential? Many issues stem from a lack of self-esteem or a belief that something isn’t available to you. I can help you change the way you view yourself and to remove associated unhealthy beliefs or behaviours. Health, wealth, success, love – you deserve, and can have, all of these.

There have been events and experiences in your life which have been misinterpreted and linked to a specific belief or emotion. We will go back, review them from the perspective of you as you are today, break the negative connections and set you free. We can then move on to transform how you view yourself and instil good habits and positive behaviour.

Rapid Transformational Therapy